Meet the Artist Event | The Power of Emotions
The following blog article below the flyer is a replication of an article that I submitted to a local newspaper to be released with my November Exhibition at the Ewing Town Hall. Unfortunately, the paper chose not to include the article. How ironic! This very article discusses the importance of sharing our feelings and our experiences with each other!

Wow, well here I am, writing about myself as an artist and talking about my new collection. It was only a few short weeks ago that I was contemplating putting myself out into this little world to share my work and art with others. I didn’t have a space to exhibit yet. I didn’t know what to expect. I just had a story and a vision to share. And now, with a large amount of bravery and willingness to listen to those little whispers from within, I am writing directly from me to you, continuing the conversation and inspiration that started it all.
A lot has happened over these past few weeks. I'm exhibiting at the Ewing Town & Mayor’s Hall as the featured artist for the entire month of November! I will also be holding a Meet the Artist Event on November 10th from 5pm- 9pm. It’s the first event of this kind and I’m really excited!
I would love to meet you in person and share my work with you. My collection of abstract art, Primal Dreams, will be on display as well as other work. Original Paintings of all sizes, prints and gifts will be available for purchase.
I will be doing live painting and a meet & greet at Art All Day on November 4th too!
I am deeply honored and grateful for these opportunities!
I shared in the previous article that my creative awakening happened as a culmination of years of releasing the layers that had covered up my true self. I didn’t go into specific details about what those layers were and what caused me to shy away so deeply from who I was in the first place. There’s a lot of story here, too much for one article, however, I’m going to step into the arena, as and be vulnerable, as Brene Brown would say, because there are certain things that I feel are important to share in the message behind the work I create.
Where to begin? Well, over a year ago I finally discovered that I am a survivor and still currently living with unresolved grief and complicated PTSD. There are many of us. Maybe it’s you. Maybe it’s your family member. Maybe it’s your next door neighbor. There is no one untouched by unresolved trauma and grief.
Going back to the beginning, I didn’t even know I had anxiety until I opened up a textbook at Boston University in 2001. It wasn’t a common word back then. That was over 15 years ago. It took me another 10 years to realize that the continuous rumination I was experiencing was actually a trauma response.
After that, it took 3 years to get present enough to start to feel my feelings. A few years later, I realized I needed to stop fixing and care taking others, despite it being a necessary and vital survival trait at one point in my life. Shortly after that, I had my largest creative awakening to date and have been painting, feeling joy and sharing my soul ever since.
This is the main reason I feel compelled to share my story. We don’t talk about our pain often in this culture. Luckily, we talk about stress now that anxiety is a well-used descriptor. However, do we talk about what is really causing it?
Keeping secrets in, judging normal human experiences and hiding our loss and suffering only perpetuate the shame and fear that slowly wither away our vulnerability as humans. And the longer we keep stifling the pain inside, the longer we live life from a place of empty longing. Luckily, once we start to open up, share our experiences, and let the feelings out, there becomes much more room for pleasure and joy.
What is unresolved grief and complicated PTSD? Why haven’t most of us never heard of them before? These descriptions haven’t been given formal clinical relevance, however there is a large community recognizing and acknowledging that many health issues that we see in our society can be a direct result of it or at least influenced by it.
Generations have passed unexpressed grief down because it's impossible to process without the compassionate skills needed to diffuse such a huge weight. There’s really no answer as to why this is. I feel maybe there’s no answer because this IS the human journey.
At some point, we have to look at it. And gratefully, as we learn how to and then look at it, we see that it is truly important to acknowledge the pain of miscommunication, misdirection, feelings unfelt, rage unprocessed, sadness stuffed and terror reinforced. As we look at it with compassion, it dissolves away.
For those of you who know me, you have seen my life and business grow so that Art and Creativity are my foundation. With 15+ years of yoga and mindfulness training, 10+ years of working with clients and students in counseling, workshops and trainings, the art of colors, movement and energy are the channel through which these messages come through. The emotions, the expression, the healing comes before, during and after the process. My life is art and my inner artist is paving and creating the way for me to journey through this life.
I hope that my experiences and awarenesses can serve others. I have found that the best possible way to help another is to be honest, authentic and to honor myself first. Then instead of giving what I do not have, I can give what is naturally within me. In doing this, I have connected with a beautiful tribe of artists and creatives, I have reconnected with people, family and childhood friends from my past. I have reignited my desire and passion for life and how I show up each and everyday.
My work shares all of this raw, authentic journey with the viewer. Luminous and fierce, probably one of the best compliments I have received from someone when they viewed my art.
I like to see my art as conversations and inspirations from within that continue to be an ongoing language with those that view and collect my work. If my pieces inspire you to feel more alive, tap more deeply into your soul, uplift you and bring you joy, then there is no greater gift than I could receive.
I hope you will join me at the Meet the Artist Event in Ewing on November 10th!
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