Fridays, 12pm-1pm virtual.

Welcome to a world of creative expression and finding your authentic voice through art, music, movement and paint!

What is Paint & Create about?

Welcome fellow humans, artists, creatives, explorers, seekers and those who want to play, experiment and make art!

This is a process art group that uses paint, mixed media to express your inner, intuitive wisdom, desires and messages from within.

With initial guidance, you will evolve an art piece in each group, receiving guidance on stepping back into a not knowing place where creativity and inspiration lie.

Sessions are a safe space to play, release, enhance self-awareness, and build resilience, all through the power of art.

Sessions focus on process art not the outcome and themes are introduced each week along with techniques that build over time.


“Thank you so much for leading such a fulfilling and reflective workshop!”

Fun, connection, experimentation, intuition in community with eachother

This therapeutic art group will help to:
✨Gain confidence in listening to the expressive messages of the body.

✨Build mastery in starting the creative process, aka the therapeutic process

✨Undo learned perfectionistic ideas like “don’t get messy”, “stay in the lines”, "that looks bad" "I give up” “Or I need to be perfect” or “ I hate this or I love this” programming.

✨Use different mediums and materials to represent nonverbal and unconscious emotions, sensations, rhythms and behaviors

✨Make their inner world tangible and accessible

✨Come into their hands, their bodies, their movement and integrate their healing from a grounded place.

✨Benefit from bilateral stimulation by coming into the body which leads to right/left brain processing.

✨Experience feeling more free, flexible and clear in their voice and authenticity.

✨Who want to start or continue their art practice and are having a hard time. They want accountability and connection with other creatives to support their practice. 

✨Use music to inspire movement and self energy in the body. 

✨Learn how to follow their intuition.

✨Understand patience with uncertainty as they move through stages and phases of an art piece that can bring up strong feelings and learning how to push through.

✨Clients who have no painting experience. All that is required is curiosity and the willingness to give it a try!

As process painting doesn’t focus on the outcome, the journey to get to an ending of a piece may take a moment or take a long time. We let the canvas speak to us and explore different ways to understand how we are communicating to it and it to us. Which is really that relationship to our inner family and letting them be heard and seen. This is a mindfulness practice.


  • no painting experience necessary! I had no idea I was a painter until I went to a paint night event and fell in love with the medium.

  • whether you are looking to reignite your inner creative, practice being with uncertainty, use painting as a metaphor for your life, or want to therapeutically work through expressive and personal growth themes.

  • As process painting doesn’t focus on the outcome, the journey to get to an ending of a piece may take a moment or take a long time. We let the canvas speak to us and explore different ways to understand how we are communicating to it and it to us.

  • Sessions are a safe space to play, release, enhance self-awareness, and build resilience, all through the power of art.

  • Having others in a group creating together is a powerful experience. To have your practice witnessed and honored is a way of honoring your true self.

Each session will include an art prompt at the beginning that will represent a therapeutic theme. 

Some topics are: 

🖌️Abstract painting and following intuitive expressive impulses moment to moment

🖌️The Many Ways of Water

🖌️Fingerpaint play

🖌️Mark Making and Finger Printing

🖌️Working with interesting, different and found objects

🖌️Collage with Painting

🖌️Mixed Media items like chalk, oil pastel, ink etc. 

🖌️Mandala and Geometric Symbol Themes

🖌️Making Your Own Self Soothe Box

🖌️The Land of Layers

🖌️Texture and the Sensory Experience

🖼️ After the painting session is completed, there is time to share your creations and process.

Color, shape, contrast, composition, splashes, splatters, staccato movements, flowing brush marks…it’s all an expression of you. Music is also brought into the session. Sound and music has been shown to inspire us to move and create in ways we wouldn’t without it. It’s also a great inspiration starter at a sensory and primal level.

Who you are is encouraged to come out during these sessions. Dancing and moving to the music along with painting and creating is welcomed.


After these sessions clients report feeling calm, connected, freer in their bodies, lighter, more confident in their creative expression.

Students find they might continue to work on projects in between sessions which brings them peace and joy.

Fun, pleasure and inner child like playfulness become easier to access. Following one’s intuition and internal guidance becomes easier. The art practices creates a cushion of positive emotions to make students less vulnerable to intense emotions as well. 


Virtual & Weekly

12-1pm EST.
via Zoom.

*create your own
art practice at home

Welcoming & Getting Present

Saying hello and setting intentions.

Art Practice

I’ll share a theme or a new technique to work with. We will then create for the next 40 minutes or so. After, there is time to share your creation and insights.


Share your creation and any insights.




I was a childhood artist and then due to outside pressures, lost access to my creative expression. Years later, after therapy, bodywork and a yoga teacher training, my body opened up and so did my inner artist.

I painted nonstop from then and was as messy as can be which felt really liberating. I realized I couldn’t have accessed this inner artist earlier because it wouldn’t have been allowed to make a mess earlier on.

I have found art to be really healing and an enjoyment that creates purpose in my life. I really enjoy how art reflects what we are experiencing on the inside, giving words to things that don’t have them.

I know the pain of losing connection to my art as it even happened again due to other physical conditions and life experiences. It is an evolution and an artist’s journey spirals such as life as we explore all of our demons that come up as we face the canvas.

What Other Clients Have Shared . . .

"Thank you for being so kind, patient, and an amazing teacher.
I feel exponentially grateful in this moment (and many moments)
that our paths have crossed in life." - K.S

“ I'm filled with immense gratitude for everything that I've learned thus far and for Jen being such an instrumental part of my journey.” C.W

"Thank you for tonight! It moved me in ways I could have never imagined."- G.L.



Paint & Create meets on Zoom

Friday 12pm-1pm EST Zoom


Fee: $35 per session

Materials list will be provided

Ready to join the group?

Questions? Contact Jen.

Please reach out and and I’'ll be happy to answer any of your questions!