What to When You Can't Stop Thinking About Your Past
Hi! My name is Jen Mele of Jennifer Mele.com, Abstract Intuitive artist, inspired teacher & e-course creator.
I teach the philosophies & mindbody Techniques I have used to create a compassionate inner relationship with my wisest Self as well as transform my life from relationships, to business to my body & mind.
This is how I create & sustain an inspired life. by continuously connecting to this inner wisdom which naturally unleashes the unique gifts that make me come alive. And I know the same is true for you. You have your own wise warrior within An inspired life is full of joy, peace, self expression & abundance. It is created by tapping into the unique guidance that can only come from inside of YOU.
Whose afraid of the friendly ghost? Is that how it goes? Casper anyone??
Even if those ghosts weren’t friendly in the least, I’m here to let you know that you don’t have to walk around today fearing those same ghosts are going to return or that you deserve to be haunted by past experiences, choices or mistakes that you’ve made.
If anything, it’s often the people who are aware and have already changed certain behavior or are aware and couldn’t have done something differently that can beat themselves up the most.
Let me repeat that again in another way. It is usually the experiences that we could not change that we beat ourselves up over the most because the constant obsessing, worrying and analyzing makes us FEEL like we are doing something, that it was in our control.
However, than we feel like utter shit because self blame and shame hamster wheels are some of THE worst feelings.
Please do yourself a favor and watch this video where I offer two helpful and compassionate tips on how to stop the past from haunting you so you can live an inspired life joyfully in the present!

What do you think? Compassion feels so much better doesn't it? And don't be hard on yourself if you are NOT there yet either. You WILL get there.
I'm here for you!
Xo, Jen
"Know Your Bod" Body Awareness Meditation!

Hey guys! It's Jen here from jennifermele.com and I have a little goody for you today to assist you in getting more in touch with your body's wisdom!
Body awareness meditation
The body knows.
Listen to your body
Come into your body
Have you heard these phrases before and not know what they meant?
You aren’t the only one and it’s not your fault that you don’t because most of us have grown up in cultures where we are reinforced for staying “safely” in our heads.
We learn to check out from our bodies and feelings, we escape into our minds where we can hide out.
Unfortunately, without conscious intention to shift out of our heads we will most likely repeat the cycle of staying in them.
Luckily! There are so many ways to develop the security and capacity for coming into our bodies! While we might have not had the control of how we learned to seek refuge in our minds, we can make the choice today to be willing to do things differently.
This meditation is a great start for understanding what it means to check in with your body.
Keep in mind, people fall on a spectrum of balance and the two extremes are 1) not having an awareness of the sensations, feelings and felt experiences in the body and the opposite side of the spectrum is 2) experiencing overwhelm because it appears like there are so many sensations, emotions and felt experiences competing for attention.
Both of these extremes are examples of a nervous system that has been over and under regulated based on life experiences and it is possible with both to come back more towards the center!
Check out my body awareness meditation and let me know what came up for you!
Can you pick one thing you noticed?
Did you feel differently before compared to after with the meditation?
I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences!
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