Easy & Super Simplified Business Plan Guide- Set Your Service Based Business Foundation
The ultimate guide to your lady boss business plan for the new year. Strategize while combining your intuition so that you can find the unique online business foundation for you. For women entrepreneurs, CEOs, female online business owners.
When you hear the words business plan do you start to groan inside? 😔
I get it. When I use to hear these words I would tune out into la la land and make a dismissive comment in my mind with some form of, “eh, what do I need that for?”
One of the main reasons I had this knee jerk reaction was because I didn’t really understand what a business plan was or why it was important.
It also drudged up the fear that a business plan would cramp my intuitive, creative style.
How could I know what to plan for in my business for the next year?
I didn’t want to feel constricted.
That’s why I started my own business 7 years ago: to have more flow and freedom!
The unconscious fear that creating a business plan would interfere with my creativity, passion and spontaneity.
Of course this wasn’t true, but it felt like it because at the time my personal and business life didn’t feel integrated.
Eventually, I learned that having a business plan is quite the opposite of interference.
Creating a business plan with presence (aka my intuition, higher power and universal help) actually helps me feel more flowy than if I left out one or the other.
Combining practical business strategies with an intuitive foundation becomes a gift that balances trusting inner guidance with inspired action.
Of course, my nerdy brain likes to know “why” the “things” work.
Which is what my body of work is all about!
How to connect the two realms by seeing them as an extension of one another.
While understanding that each components is supporting the larger whole!
When you create a business plan with your inner guidance, it will lift you up.
It will propel you towards the highest possible outcome.
It will help you focus on your heart centered goals and desires.
A business plan is not an attempt to control outcomes that cannot be controlled.
It’s an intentional summary of what you decide is in your control for the next several months.
It’s flexible, it’s experimental and it’s organic.
It’s intuitive and alive.
Now we’re talking!
With this new perspective I hope you start to see how important and helpful a simple, easy to understand business plan can be!
I’ve broken down each component of the business plan so that you can follow along with your own and understand the “why” behind it all.
1. Your Intentional Word of the Year
For all the woo I teach I have always gotten a visceral reaction to the word intention.
However, I’ve learned that it’s not actually the word or even the meaning that’s giving the reaction, it’s my own confusion, doubt, or misunderstanding about how it applies to me.
Often when I don’t understand or fear something, I energetically push it away as a default first. (Glad I’m catching it now more and more!)
Choosing an intentional word that represents qualities of your true self is a great way to remember cultivating them in the new year.
What we focus our attention on grows!
Having this intentional anchor is a way to shift our focus to what we are doing well. It also reminds us of the qualities that are our birthright.
Remember, the qualities of our true self help us to prevent distraction and allow us to recalibrate when we get distracted. They do this because these qualities always live here, in the present moment.
2. Get Clear on Your Heart Centered Why
Oh the heart centered why …. how I love thee.
The “heart centered why” is the first step towards creating a solid and supportive foundation for your business.
It is the starting point on the roadmap to Confident CEO mastery which lives within.
It's another anchor moving forward, rooted in your values, that you can constantly lean into whenever twists and turns occur as you develop your business.
It’s exactly what I use to stay connected to my heart in business each and every day.
Do you have one?
If so, have you reflected on it lately?
Why would you need a heart centered why anyways?
✔️ It’s the blueprint for your new or evolving business that will align you moving forward
✔️ It’s the compass that allows your ideal clients to discover you
✔️ It's the platform for your meaningful mission and message
✔️ It empowers your genius so you can get visible online (which means getting paid for doing what you love)
✔️ It is your anchor when challenges arise.
✔️ The beauty of the why is that it's not one and done.
The deeper you go in your life and business journey, the more you have to revisit your why if you value staying connected and fulfilled versus just going through the motions.
The heartfelt why is vital in creating a sustainable business that honors your heart. Of course I got you. You can dig deep into yours with my free 3 day ecourse.
3. Your Ideal Client Description
I’m sure if you’ve been circling around the business world half a minute you have heard people saying how important it is to know your ideal client and to get as specific as you possible can.
Being visible in the online world requires getting super clear on your ideal client so that your voice + message is like a clear, bold, bright light guiding your ideal clients to you.
This is important for in person marketing but even more important online because there is so much stimulation coming into our perception at any given moment.
The clearer you are about where your ideal client hangs out, what they like, what their personality is and what the specific problem they need help with, the easier you will be seen over time.
Your ideal client is a foundational component of your business plan!
4. Set Your 3 Month Goal
Often times we don’t get started on developing our business because it feels super overwhelming. Fear of doing things perfectly, fears of success and doubts about putting yourself out there all will inevitably creep up as you desire and take action on getting visible.
This is why having a 3 month goal on your business plan will break things down into simpler steps. It gives you the opportunity to experiment with your strategies, gives you a time frame so you can evaluate your results and provides valuable information so you can tweak whatever needs it for the next 3 month period.
5. What is your Value-Providing Freebie? (This is the sample of your teachings or product)
You may have heard it described as a freebie, opt-in or lead magnet. They are one in the same.
Freebies are nifty little samples (think ice cream shop tasting) of what you have to offer.
Freebies can be cheatsheets, pdfs, audio recordings, video trainings . . . you name it.
Freebies are a sample of how to solve one small step in the problem that your ideal client is struggling with,
What’s nice is that in exchange for giving out your free samples, your potential clients will give you their email so you can send it to them.
This is how they get to know you, your style and get to know you better.
You are also providing quick answer to one of the first steps of their problem.
6. Offer You Love That Solves Your Ideal Client’s Problem (The vessel of Connection & Transformation)
Your offer is where your ideal clients will pay you for your entire process to solve their problem.
You provide the info, the energy, the transformation, maybe even your presence, in exchange for their money (their energy) and hopefully engagement!
Start viewing your paid offers in this way. They are vessels and it is an energy exchange that works for both of you.
Just providing a freebie that gives only a small piece of the puzzle is not going to help everyone and your clients will be looking for your support to go deeper.
These are your ideal clients and they need the whole picture . . . which you have!
FYI! Choose 1 offer kids.
So often we have a ton of ideas (I wouldn’t expect anything different from a lovely creative!) however, the influx of ideas can actually be a deterrent when it has us starting over again and again and not making traction on a specific offer.
Start with 1 offer and fine tune that one.
Just like the freebie, you can always add in another one in due time.
7. The Top 3 Marketing Strategies You Do Best
Yes, we live in an era where there is more on top of more with a side of more. There is always another platform, another collaboration, another way of putting yourself out there. The beauty is, you don’t have to do #allthethings. You get to keep things simple with what you do best.
Over time, you may wish to invest more (via time, energy or money) to add some new marketing angles.
You might decide to outsource the tasks to a VA or manager who can take certain marketing strategies off your plate.
Until then, be honest with yourself about what you can do.
Start with one thing and see if you can stay consistent with it.
You can re-evaluate and see if you want to add another in time.
8. Consistent Content Creation
Value, visibility, consistency. All things that can be addressed through choosing a type of content (blog, podcast, video) that you can produce weekly to showcase your expertise and style.
Again, choose 1 to start! If you can stay consistent with one over time, you can always add more. Make sure to send out your amazing content to your email list each week as well.
9. Social Media Platform of Choice
Another place to share your content? Social media. Pick 1! Noticing a theme here? Keep it simple of course. This is a great way to find out more about where your ideal client likes to hang out.
You won’t know until you start experimenting to commit to one platform for 3 months and see how your engagement is! If it’s not working, you can always change the platform after that or if it is, maybe then you can add another.
All in all my friends, claim your value, claim the gifts you offer & watch your world change! xoxo, Jen
Essential Mindset Shifts to Stop Hiding Your Amazing Offers + Start Selling with Heart

Do you struggle with feeling icky about sharing or selling your heart centered offers? 😔
My spiritually oriented and empathic entrepreneurial clients often share that they feel this way or discover that they unconsciously believe some form of the following:
1. Selling something is pushy, egotistical, selfish, greedy, etc.
2. Sharing a free opt-in with an offer at the end is a tease
3. Clients and customers don’t want to pay for services or products
4. Asking for a sale is awkward/uncomfortable/insulting
First and foremost, it is inevitable that you will discover certain beliefs that you have around selling, money, worth, power, success and leadership as you put yourself out there and make yourself visible.
It’s often these very beliefs that will keep you distracted from being consistent or continually playing it safe in your business.
This why it’s so helpful to compassionately air them out and recognize what parts of ourselves need assistance shifting.
Let’s look at the first belief as an example: “Selling something is being pushy.”
Imagine that you have arrived at the most amazing 5 star restaurant. It has incredible reviews and you love the ambience. You are really hungry and can smell the most delicious flavors. The hostess shares the specials. She explains how different food will affect your mood.
After she’s done, she thanks you for coming in. She doesn’t ask if you’d like a table. In fact, she tells you that unfortunately you can’t order the food. Whaattt??? This would make absolutely on sense if this actually happened to us, am I right?
It’s a bit of an extreme example but a great metaphor for selling. If someone has a need and we have the solution, why wouldn’t offer it?
Let’s take a look at it more deeply from a marketing perspective. In this situation feeding yourself is the solution that will solve the problem of feeling hungry.
You have a problem: you are hungry. You need a solution: to eat food. It’s the same with anything you are selling.
It’s not the only solution though. You have many options, You could go to the grocery store. You could ask someone to make you a meal. You can go out to a luxurious dinner. All of these options would solve the problem. The different options will vary and your preference will based on who you are.
The key here is you get to decide what to buy based on your unique preferences.
This is why it’s so helpful to get clear on who you are helping and why. When you know the problem your ideal client is trying to solve, you know their personality, what they like, how they want to feel, you can feel confident when you give them your solution. They may not know they need your solution, but you can share with them all the ways you believe it will help them solve their problem. That’s the education piece.
There will definitely be people who won’t buy what you are offering. Either they aren’t ready or they don’t fully connect with your style. However, it’s not your job to serve everyone. It is your job to serve those people who do connect with you and are looking for exactly what you have.
When you look at selling as offering something that will help that client or customer, selling becomes service!
Of course, selling will feel pushy if we continuously offer something to someone who doesn’t need what we have to give or has told us that they are not ready. For example, if we know someone really likes Indian food wouldn’t they be more likely to go to an Indian restaurant than someone who has never tried any indian food before or has told you they don’t like those type of flavors?
Now, imagine you have a desire for Indian food but your local Indian restaurant doesn’t have storefront, website, and no one seems to know where it is located or what it’s hours are. How would you be able to get there and eat this amazing food? Of course, you wouldn’t!
What Selling Looks Like
This is why true selling is about really narrowing down that ideal soulmate client and creating an offer that you LOVE and know your clients need.
Here are some new ideas to try on about selling:
Selling is sharing
Not sharing your offer is a disservice
Money is a renewable energy source
It’s not your job to decide what someone can or can’t afford
Freebies are vessels to provide value and share your teaching style
The following 7 min. video training is something I created for my FREE Facebook Group {<—-link} the other day and this content is just too good not to share! I talk about these new ideas to try on about selling and how you can start viewing selling with heart.
If you are feeling out of alignment with selling there is most likely a valid need you have that requires developing your business strategy, working with your mindset, and/or taking care of yourself and has NOTHING to do with selling being sleazy.
Here are some questions to evaluate what is really going on under those faulty beliefs about selling:

Are your fears really your desires in disguise?
Often our fears are actually our desires in disguise. Business is going to bring up all sorts of things: fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of not knowing the answer, intolerance of confusion, learning, trusting the timing, letting go of an outcome, you name it! If we are unclear about what the fear is, we will default to an unconscious belief that either judges ourself, “I’m never going to be successful” or a belief about someone or something else, “Selling is sleazy and I don’t want to be one of those people”.”
Are you orienting your potential clients upfront that an option to purchase your service or product will happen at the end?
Sometimes we might feel icky after talking about an offer because we are judging the fact that we just had a sales process that didn’t feel exactly right. Maybe we like to let our potential customers know where we are going with a sales conversation or marketing event. I personally love orienting people! Letting people know up front that you are going to have a way to take things deeper but of course they are in no way obligated to is a nice way of giving options. It empowers your audience too because it’s not your job to decide for them what they want or don’t want to purchase!
This also helps weed out people who really aren’t a good fit and don’t have an interest in making an investment. If these people are just looking for a freebie to give them all the answers, they probably are in a place where instant gratification feels like a better option.
Of course, as heart centered entrepreneurs, you know that when it comes to sharing your service, a transformation, or physical product the sample or freebie isn’t going to cut it. Yes, it gives them valuable information about your teaching style as well as a helpful experience to learn something from, However, you know it will never include the whole process. The magic pill doesn’t exist and there’s no need to pretend it does!
Are you excited about your offer? Do you believe in it?
Sometimes you may not want to talk about your offer because you aren’t really feeling it. Maybe you are bored with it and think you “should” be sharing it because you’ve done so in the past.
Maybe you haven’t had any feedback and are really wanting to know your offer works before you passionately share it with the world.
Maybe you have other things that have happened recently that you have to focus your attention on. Regardless of which it is, it’s helpful to narrow this one down to see. If it’s about the offer, the timing, the proof… then it’s not about selling!
Do you know your deep heart-centered why?
This one is a huge one that I talk about a lot! It’s really the foundation for your business. Especially when it comes to beliefs about selling, if there are parts of yourself running your business that are making money the #1 goal, then there will most likely be backlash from other parts.
This is because deep down as a spiritual, empathic woman you know you have much deeper reasons for selling. Yes, you can want money and enjoy it (this is actually very important!) however just doing something for the reason of money will never work. It won’t be sustainable. It will feel empty. It will mechanical. All fertile ground for the ego mind to start judging you and selling again!
Need help mapping it out? Grab a FREE Business Strategy Session with me { HERE } and Uncover Your Heart Centered Why!
What are your beliefs about success, selling, leadership + expertise?
Make sure to take some time to journal, share with someone who gets it or work with a coach to uncover any unconscious beliefs and parts that might be holding on to outdated beliefs about any of the above!
Have you been conditioned by society or culture to value certain professions with large sums of money and devalue others?
Just a thought. If you question if what you “do” for a living as a healer, creative, artist, visionary, spiritual entrepreneur etc is WORTHY of getting paid and getting paid well, take a look at the professions that do and ask yourself, am I providing VALUE at least equal to or more than this person?
For example:
CNN Commentators- do they provide value? Let’s say yes. Is it anymore valuable then what you offer?
Reality show stars- valuable as entertainment? Are you just as valuable?
Basketball players. Valuable? Again, what are you offering and is it valuable?
More examples- traders, medical doctors, real estate agents, pilots..etc etc etc. These are socially acceptable high paying professions. Do these professions provide value? How does your value measure up?
Do you see what I’m getting at?
For the right person in the right situation ALL these people provide value. .
And yet who are creatives, healers, artists, teachers, therapists, online entrepreneurs to say they are not worthy of the same! Once you see that value, compensation & respect is not based on social acceptance but on how you view yourself and your offer, selling will get easier. .
All in all my friends, claim your value, claim the gifts you offer & watch your world change! xoxo, Jen
P.S. Creating massive impact for women like you: the creative, empathic, intelligent, entrepreneur is my passion!
The “heart centered why” is the first step towards creating a solid and supportive foundation for your business.
Join me for a FREE Business Strategy Session where I will help you discover your heart centered why + see if we are a good fit working together!
How to Trust The Process When Reaching a New Level in Your Business

What a beautiful, loaded, complicated word.
The nature of trust is solid. Yet, our path there? One of the most difficult.
I was lucky enough to talk to my business coach earlier today and we shared with each other and the rest of the ladies on the call about developing the importance of developing trust within.
That when being a CEO and creator of your own business it really comes down first and foremost to the belief we have in ourselves.
The Energy Leak of Mistrust
One of the ways doubt and lack of confidence shows up in our lives and businesses is through the energy leak of mistrust.
It looks like a lot of different things.
Second guessing your decisions.
Looking for approval from other people when you’ve made a decision.
Feeling paralyzed if you can’t get that approval.
Perfectionism and needing to get things exactly right
Feeling terrified of trusting the process.
When starting your business or taking a leap into a new level of it this energy leak is so common. All your doubts and fears come to the surface. All those roots of old limiting beliefs start to pull tightly into the earth.
Have a goal that you desire? Forget about it. Self doubt is going to creep in.
So how do you handle mistrust when it inevitably does?
Can you assume it will come up and that’s okay?
How about using it as evidence that you are stepping into your calling more deeply?
How can you decide not to use doubt and mistrust as evidence to give up?
Compassion for the Doubt
Using your inner loving parent and your higher self as witness, you can have compassion for your humanness and also the good intent of a doubting part.
You can let go being hard on yourself for feeling doubt (judgment only creates more tension and protection).
Your Vibrational Escrow
Try this idea on: What if your wisest self was protecting your inheritance for you? That your heartfelt purpose and desires already exist?
Exactly what your truth wants is being held by spirit until you are ready for it. It is yours.
Good Feelings Currency
Imagine your body is a bank and the more good feelings and good vibes you give to the bank, the more you fill yourself up and have a cushion for a rainy day.
The more you praise yourself, encourage yourself, treat yourself well, you have a buffer for when those inevitable doubts will arise.
Trust that your higher self knows what's best for you
You may like to call it intuition or alignment, a sixth sense, a higher power, the universe. If you can trust that there is a process that creates babies and makes the sun go round each day, you can practice trusting there is something greater than yourself.
Face the Worst Case Result
Seeing that you will be okay regardless of the outcome can help to diffuse the charge of fearful emotions.
Knowing you can face whatever comes your way and that you wont abandon yourself will also support the fears and doubts unconditionally, removing the charge.
Give Credit to the Signs
There are always signs that you are on your way. This is how we enjoy the process too. Look at the ways that you are moving towards your goal. Conversations, opportunities, smaller occurrences or partial occurrences of the full thing are all signs
Remember Previous Doubts
Hear me out. Not to reignite them but to see the progress you've made. You've manifested before. You've had doubts too.
Remembering you had doubts and reassuring the doubting parts that things turned out not only okay but better than you expected
Ask for Support
Find someone to work with who you can trust. I'm one of many.
Find the right fit for you!
I hope that these 8 tips will support you on your journey towards being the unique, empowered, confident CEO that you truly are!
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P.S. Creating massive impact for women like you: the creative, empathic, intelligent, entrepreneur is my passion!
The “heart centered why” is the first step towards creating a solid and supportive foundation for your business.
Join me for a free Business Strategy Session where I will help you discover your heart centered why + see if we are a good fit working together!
How to manage the crazy of social media with meaningful marketing

Do you ever go on social media only to resurface frustrated & confused, not sure what you just did, let alone if it was meaningful?
I know, It can be bonkers on there.
Social media is a great marketing tool with many people sharing how it's working for them.
Yet, it can feel like a crowded night club where you’re shouting over the noise. Then the lights go on and nothing looks as sexy as you thought.
This week I got real with ya’ll on Instagram
I crave authentic connection in a technological world of digital words, emojis and pretty photos.
Don't get me wrong, I love pretty photos.
Yet, not enough of us are talking about the "cray" of social media and how to navigate it in an authentic way.
The conversation hit home with so many. (Evidence that social media can still be used for good ;)
Here’s some of the words that people used to describe their experience. Can you relate to any of them?
It’s feels like a fake world
We are showing others only what we want them to see
Tedious cycle of trading content for followers/likes
Feeling blocked and burdened with social media
Needing to stop posting completely and not sure how to get back into it
It’s confusing
Second guessing what to do
Feeling frustrated about how people grow their accounts or get followers
This is how people want to feel on social media:
Bring back human contact!
Keep it simple and authentic
Let go of the likes/followers
Feel light about sharing their creativity
Want refreshing attitudes and positivity
Real connections
A balance in life between family, passion and marketing
To feel certain they are learning something thru the trial and error
To trust that breaks are okay
The desire to be part of it but in a healthy way that feels good
A space to slow down and connect
Time to create/paint/follow their passion and create meaningful marketing
What are some of the reasons why Social Media is making us crazy?
There’s so many platforms to choose from
Social media is designed to be addictive
Platforms are always in flux with changing features + algorithms
You are not seeing all of the backend work that goes into maintaining a successful account
You are still carrying the belief that more is more.
So how do we balance what’s happening and how we actually want to feel?
First, acknowledge that there is tension between the two. Then, start reframing the beliefs that aren’t working. Next, experiment with new strategies that do (this cheatsheet will help you do exactly this!)
You may be feeling like social media is a burden because you haven’t broken down the process into simpler steps. You might be trying to mirror someone else’s strategy. Or, you are too committed to a strategy that doesn’t work for you.
This is why I created this cheatsheet!
In this simple download, I breakdown why social media is sending you to Crazytown and what I've learned that is going to change everything for you too.
