Breaking Down Imposter Syndrome: The Energy Leak of Denial. How it Helps and Keeps Us Stuck in Life and Biz

Deny, Deny, Deny.
One of my many, many, coagulated defaults. No shame here about it.
I needed this ability like I needed air to breathe and water to live. It was impossible for me to accept my circumstances growing up because a child isn’t meant to do that sort of thing alone, so my biology tried all the trigger settings we universally find in our nervous systems:
Be more open and loving (first biological response to pain)
When that doesn’t work: retreat, flee or get away
(though where’s a child really supposed to go?) OR fight (what to do when justified anger and rage isn’t acceptable?)
The default is to then go into FREEZE. Deer in headlights. No where to run. Not possible to fight. The body and nervous system go offline in order to dull out such intense levels of energy that have nowhere to go.
If this happens repeatedly over time?
Feeling and sensation, while just beneath the surface, disappear. Numbness, dissociation, detachment and emptiness become the figural form as identity.
All the previous layers become the ground, looming like sharks in dark waters ready to break through the surface at any moment yet unable to surface within the ever increasing pressurized cook of this holding pattern.
How does one live with this in the world?
Fawn, Submit, People Please, Caretake
Living life like this is a way to function in a world that still at large has no idea about any of these stages. And what becomes of it?
Walking, disembodied zombie parts, parts living for others needs and not their own, perfectionist parts that continuously feel on review, hyper vigilant parts that continuously scan for danger, robot parts that mechanically view the world without feeling love in their hearts.
These parts become the PERSON we take into the world
when our bodies grow into adults and these child parts remain unattended to.
These parts influence our relationships, our interactions, our day to day life, our businesses and as a result the entire world.
We use to thing to deny something meant it went away. It doesn’t.
It only appears to go away yet, as mentioned above, remains lurking beneath the surface, influencing every decision and action we take as a human race.
Deny. Deny. Deny.
If you are still doing it. There’s a good reason.
There was an incredible reason you learned how to do it. You needed it.
But souls inhabiting adult bodies must learn (over tremendous, dedicated, meticulously detailed time) that healing is necessary and has to happen: that there is a wise friend (YOU) on your side.
You have to face the pain. You have to listen deeply on the inside to what these parts didn’t get. To the debilitating process of defaulting over and over again. To the devastating experience of living life offline. To truly live now, we have to give words back to the child who had no words to the loss of being alive. This is your one job. This job alone will naturally change your life and change the world.

Love, Jen
P.S I hope you enjoyed this article! Please like and share with those who will find it helpful :)
And if you’ve found yourself doing the continuous head nod during this post, you may find my Confident CEO Assessment helpful.
It will assess the 4 areas where Imposter Syndrome shows up, one of them being TIME!
P.P.S. We’ve got a lovely group of women already invested in the November Confident CEO Mastery 4 week class “Let go of Self Doubt + Step Into Your Calling”. It starts this Monday, November 5th!
It’s such an important course I’ve created.
You have gifts.
They are meant to be shared.
If you are finding that second guessing yourself, indecision and fear of visibility are affecting you from rising up into your full self, check out all the details for this November here: ⭐️🙌🏼
How to Access Your Intuition (and how to practice doing it)

Who says you can't bottle up motivation?
Or put inspiration in a pill?
Actually..they're right. You can't. You've actually got something even better.
Yes, I'm about to tell you something that you may have never realized.
In fact, you may experience a lot of resistance to this idea.
Your ego may begin to throw all sorts of ideas at you:
"Too good to be true".
"Yeah, it's just not that easy".
"That sounds great, but I don't have that!"
"This is a crock of new age b******t!!"
Yes, I get it. I know exactly what it feels like. I'm also on a first name basis with tons and tons of ego thoughts that have gotten in the way of accessing this part of myself.
I also was never taught this growing up or even in young adulthood.
Soooo I'd like for you to practice this resistance antidote for the next few moments.
Resistance Antidote
Pause for a Moment Right Now + Get Centered
Take in a deep breath, exhale.
Do it again.
Ask yourself, “would you be able to listen without judgment for the next few moments?”
Ok... Here we go:)

So what is this magical place that we each have unlimited access to?
That contains all of your drive, all of your passion and all of your purpose?
Well it's literally been right in front of you all along.
Actually it's even better than that.
Your inner drive, passion, and motivation is literally located in your body. It is tangibly located.
You, just by the nature of being a human being, are born with a visceral experience of your INTUITION.
My experience with tapping into this place inside
Years ago, I heard a snippet of an energy exercise from Kristin Morelli where she was leading everyone to tap into the magnet in their stomachs.
While I missed most of the exercise, it gave me a hit and instantly drew me deeper to the physical experience in my body that I am literally being pulled by something inside me to the next moment, level, and energy in my life.
When I checked in, I could feel a motor running, a solid energy source that was intently and gently, pulling me from a gut place into the next course of action in my life.
This force was strong in a solid, dependable, secure and safe way. And really deepening my awareness of this core energy gave me that always beautiful aha recognition that..ahh yesss... Here I am. This is Me.
For some of you, this may be a bit far out right now and that's okay.
Everyone has intuition and if you are feeling frustrated or confused right now about how to access this know that is completely normal. Because this skill is experiential, practical, and real. And you will be able to tell this by practicing to it over time, getting to know it better, and watching how it guides you in your life.

There is a catch
The key though is that this drive, passion and motivation cultivated by your intuition does not work for just everything.
It works when what you are experiencing and moving toward is aligned with you.
No amount of tapping into this inner place within (The True Self) will make any difference if what you are trying or forcing or convincing yourself that you “should” be doing is not really what is resonating and aligned with your heart and your intuitive higher self.

The good news is this is a positive thing! This means there are certain things and experiences and passions and people that are aligned with us and as we keep fine tuning this radar, we will flow into what is meant for us more and more.
How does this apply to life and biz?
Once we understand that we have an internal guidance system inside, an inner radar, we can use it to our advantage. We can use this place within us that we have unlimited access to as a compass that can guide us. We can depend on it. We can use it’s intelligence and 6th sense.
When we start feeling stressed, burnout, anxious or doubting, we can check in and see what our internal guidance is saying.
Do we just need some rest?
Do we need to change directions?
Is our daily schedule in line with our values?
Permission to Practice
It takes practice. Despite having heard this exercise years ago, I still am training my mind to let go and allow access to this guidance within me. I use to think I could just do one exercise and instantaneously “I’d get it.”
Ha! Boy was I wrong, It was even harder for me because growing up I wasn’t allowed to process things, or learn things, or grow. Judgment and shaming comments and lack of awareness kept me trying to push forward into adulthood when what I really needed was permission to breathe and course correct and fail and then learn as a child does.
I needed to be nurtured in a way that allowed me to access my own inner guidance. To trust myself.
This is root cause of self doubt. Learning we can’t trust our internal guidance, our reactions and responses to life.
A Quick Meditation Practice for Accessing Your Unlimited Guidance (Your Intuition)
So I am going to guide you through a little experiential practice:
Take a moment to sit back and relax your body.
Create a willing posture with open arms, feet flat on the floor, palms open, and taking in a deep breath in and out.
As you continue breathing, start to bring your attention to the place a couple inches above you belly button.
You can even touch it lightly with your fingers for a moment or rest the palm of your hand there.
Start to generate a feeling of warmth there that feels like it is directly inside the center of your body.
Allow yourself to notice a solid feeling right in that spot and notice that the more you put your attention on it, the more solid it becomes.
Start to be aware of a "motor" running inside you. You may even notice a pulsing.
Just notice this, allowing any thoughts or judgments to be there and gently guide yourself back to this solid feeling inside your core.
Try this several times throughout the day. Maybe throughout the week.
Practice checking in with it as well and seeing how it feels in different situations.
Get to know it, patiently. With curiosity.
Let me know how it goes! Now that I’ve rediscovered my intuition I love geeking out on it :)
Love, Jen
P.S I hope you enjoyed this article! Please like and share with those who will find it helpful :)
And if you’ve found yourself doing the continuous head nod during this post, you may find my Confident CEO Assessment helpful.
It will assess the 4 areas where Imposter Syndrome shows up, one of them being TIME!
P.P.S. We’ve got a lovely group of women already invested in the November Confident CEO Mastery 4 week class “Let go of Self Doubt + Step Into Your Calling”.
We begin first week in November and it’s such an important course I’ve created.
You have gifts.
They are meant to be shared.
If you are finding that second guessing yourself, indecision and fear of visibility are affecting you from rising up into your full self, check out all the details for this November here: ⭐️🙌🏼