Willingness Is All That Is Asked Of Us

Is all that is asked of us.
It is the first step and truly the only step when we don’t know what else to do.
This is the willingness to ACCEPT, without judgment, that there are factors that have created the circumstances that we are in.
This is the willingness to ACKNOWLEDGE that our ego and fear based thinking is running the show.
This is the willingness to SEE, with inner vision, how it is our own choosing of fear over love that perpetuates suffering.
This is the willingness to MAKE THE CHOICE to step out of this identification with fear because it’s just too painful.
This is the willingness to TRUST that there is a higher path of love that is safe, supportive, and guiding us.
This is the willingness to SURRENDER to this love, knowing that we do not and could not do anything anyways.
This is the willingness to TURN OVER EVERYTHING, (thoughts, feelings, confusion, worries, experiences) to that higher state of love, knowing that this is all that is asked of us.
This is the willingness to BELIEVE that love will do the rest.
This is the willingness to BE STILL and wait as long as it takes for love’s answer to come.
This is the willingness to KNOW the only answer is a LOVING RESPONSE.
This is the willingness to do this AS MANY TIMES AS IT TAKES.
Wherever you fall at any given point in your day, you can always step back and be willing. Maybe you aren’t ready to truly look at something, but you could be willing to. Maybe you aren’t ready to forgive that person, but maybe you’d be willing to entertain the thought about it. Maybe you aren’t interested in giving yourself a break permanently, but maybe you’d be willing to..IN.THIS.MOMENT.
To be willing to step out of our comfort zones and try things a different way, a way that sees this life and this world through loving lenses, is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and another.
Interested in experiencing a shift and creating willingness today? How about right now?
Taking in a few deep breaths first, try repeating these words to yourself or out loud:
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