Life Lessons Life Lessons

What to When You Can't Stop Thinking About Your Past

Watch this free video training to decrease anxiety, stress, and past fears and worries in your life. Jen Mele LCSW is a licensed therapist and business coach and will help you be a successful online influencer. Learn how to increase your awareness so you can have more love, wealth and freedom in your life. Life coach, life tips, business coaching, therapy, mindset. #onlinebusiness #lifecoachingWatch this free video training to decrease anxiety, stress, and past fears and worries in your life. Jen Mele LCSW is a licensed therapist and business coach and will help you be a successful online influencer. Learn how to increase your awareness so you can have more love, wealth and freedom in your life. Life coach, life tips, business coaching, therapy, mindset. #onlinebusiness #lifecoaching

Hi! My name is Jen Mele of Jennifer, Abstract Intuitive artist, inspired teacher & e-course creator. 

 I teach the philosophies & mindbody Techniques I have used to create a compassionate inner relationship with my wisest Self as well as transform my life from relationships, to business to my body & mind.

 This is how I create & sustain an inspired life. by continuously connecting to this inner wisdom which naturally unleashes the unique gifts that make me come alive. And I know the same is true for you. You have your own wise warrior within An inspired life is full of joy, peace, self expression & abundance. It is created by tapping into the unique guidance that can only come from inside of YOU. 

Whose afraid of the friendly ghost? Is that how it goes? Casper anyone??

Even if those ghosts weren’t friendly in the least, I’m here to let you know that you don’t have to walk around today fearing those same ghosts are going to return or that you deserve to be haunted by past experiences, choices or mistakes that you’ve made.

If anything, it’s often the people who are aware and have already changed certain behavior or are aware and couldn’t have done something differently that can beat themselves up the most.

Let me repeat that again in another way. It is usually the experiences that we could not change that we beat ourselves up over the most because the constant obsessing, worrying and analyzing makes us FEEL like we are doing something, that it was in our control.

However, than we feel like utter shit because self blame and shame hamster wheels are some of THE worst feelings.

Please do yourself a favor and watch this video where I offer two helpful and compassionate tips on how to stop the past from haunting you so you can live an inspired life joyfully in the present!

Create a healthy mindset for wealth and freedom by letting go of the past, increasing calm and having confidence in your dreams and business.Create a healthy mindset for wealth and freedom by letting go of the past, increasing calm and having confidence in your dreams and business.


What do you think? Compassion feels so much better doesn't it? And don't be hard on yourself if you are NOT there yet either. You WILL get there. 


I'm here for you! 

Xo, Jen

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Life Lessons Life Lessons

What to Do When You Can't Stop Thinking About The Worst Case Scenario


As I sit here on a plane, I’m thinking about this next video and worse case scenarios. Some of you might be already wondering where I’m going with she really going to be talking about worse case scenarios while on a plane?

But the reality is, I’ve never had a fear of flying. Im not concerned that me talking about fears and flying will trigger me or magically make what I’m talking about happen. Why? Because I’m just not invested in fear related to this topic at all.

I’m using this as an example because there have been and still are times I get triggered with fear and my mind starts playing out worst case scenarios.

But I use this example because it shows how malleable the mind is, how fears are based on the unique experiences we have, and that if someone has minimal or no fear in a situation than its possible for someone else to get to that point too!

After reducing fear, It doesn’t mean fear won’t come up or a thought won’t come up, it just won’t be super intense and will be much more easier to center. 

In this video I discuss two reasons why we are programmed to think about Worst case scenarios.

The most important piece is knowing that worst car scenario thinking comes from an emotion that naturally wants to communicate it. Our chemicals and molecules are doing the fear dance like mad!

Watch this video and let me know what you think in the comments.

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Do you have any situations where you tend to think about the worse case scenario?

Are you open to believing that the worst case outcome is highly likely to not be true?

Are you able to reassure the part that is fearful that no matter what you will be there for her?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

I'm here for you! 

Xo, Jen 




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Life Lessons Life Lessons

"Know Your Bod" Body Awareness Meditation!

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Hey guys! It's Jen here from and I have a little goody for you today to assist you in getting more in touch with your body's wisdom! 

Body awareness meditation

The body knows.
Listen to your body
Come into your body

Have you heard these phrases before and not know what they meant?

You aren’t the only one and it’s not your fault that you don’t because most of us have grown up in cultures where we are reinforced for staying “safely” in our heads.

We learn to check out from our bodies and feelings, we escape into our minds where we can hide out.

Unfortunately, without conscious intention to shift out of our heads we will most likely repeat the cycle of staying in them.

Luckily! There are so many ways to develop the security and capacity for coming into our bodies! While we might have not had the control of how we learned to seek refuge in our minds, we can make the choice today to be willing to do things differently.

This meditation is a great start for understanding what it means to check in with your body.

Keep in mind, people fall on a spectrum of balance and the two extremes are 1) not having an awareness of the sensations, feelings and felt experiences in the body and the opposite side of the spectrum is 2) experiencing overwhelm because it appears like there are so many sensations, emotions and felt experiences competing for attention.

Both of these extremes are examples of a nervous system that has been over and under regulated based on life experiences and it is possible with both to come back more towards the center!

Check out my body awareness meditation and let me know what came up for you!


Can you pick one thing you noticed?

Did you feel differently before compared to after with the meditation?

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences!

Do you want to fine tune your Inner Radar with crystal clear clarity for Love, Wealth + Freedom? My Free Start Up Guide Includes my 5 Star Process To Become the Intuitive Rockstar of your #5StarLife! This process transformed my life and is the foundation of everything I do in my life & biz! ⭐️🙌🏼👯‍♀️


Grab By Clicking on the Image Below!!





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How I Started My Abundantly Inspired Biz!!

Early Bird Enrollment for my Abundantly Inspired Biz Course goes until this Sunday at 12am eastern!


I thought I would share a bit more about how and why I started my business and WHY I am so PASSIONATE about helping other creatives and healers just like you!!


Check out the video below to learn more about why I LOVE having my OWN business and love you having one too!!



Also, here are a few ideas about money/abundance/ that you may or may not have heard of....


Money is currency and currency is energy

Money is an exchange

Instead of I can’t or there's no way I could do _________ change it to there must be a way (even if you don't know how, ESPECIALLY when you don't know how!)

Selling is excited sharing about something you are authentically passionate about and is in line with your values.

Free Content is the form of communication/vessel that is providing the value to the client and customer and building trust

Products & Services are paid vessels that support a person in having an experience, form of energy, healing. 

Marketing is authentically attracting people who are in need of/actively seeking/ what your product or service is.

All of these aspects of business are vessels. They ONLY successfully align with a fulfilled life when they are containers for source led guidance.

When the guidance comes first from within then the outside mechanics come more naturally.

A balance of feminine & masculine business strategies are necessary to be successful AND feel good. 

You don’t need a huge following, a certain number of people. You are ready to put yourself out there, NOW!

In the last year....

4 trips (Italy here I come!!)
Assisted and taught at a retreat with my art mentor
A new art studio
An entire office upgrade
A new medicine for my myalgia
Three exhibitions
8k followers on Instagram
A tribe I love
Monthly 80 min massages with a masseuse I love!
A new car with more amenities and cheaper than my old one
Conquered my fear of online speaking
and more!!


I share this with you because YOU CAN DO IT TOO. 


To get in on the early bird discount, you can sign up right here to grab your spot!!


To secure your early bird spot, click here for the split payment plan


For the full payment plan click here


Do you have questions? Email me at and we can chat!


Love you guys and I'm here for you! Let's do this!




P.S. Did you catch the video? Here it is again : 


Who wants to get to know their Biz Bestie with crystal clear clarity? my Free 5 Day FB Challenge To Attract Your Soulmate Clients will assist you in doing just that! ⭐️🙌🏼👯‍♀️

This is an expert training series for Biz Lady Rebels that teaches my 5 star secrets to fine tuning your GPS for your ideal customer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My specialty is connection and as a therapist for 10 years, you better believe I take connecting with clients seriously.

Nothing matters to me more than authenticity, compassion & trust...3 key factors in creating a bond with soulmate clients for years to come!

Join us now! I’m getting super specific with biz Bestie girl Talk that will create the ultimate foundation for your 5 star biz.

Click on the Image Below to Join!

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ECourse ECourse

Early Bird Enrollment for Abundantly Inspired Biz!!


I’m sooo excited to share this passion project of mine with you!!


 It is one of those courses that came to me as inspiration in a single download in the middle

Of the night! (As my creations often do)


How cool is that? For years I would worry about how I would take the ideas in my mind and translate them into the world for other people to get.


It took me years of uncovering layers to access my inner guidance and now, things are so much easier! 


I get to ask for help. I get to be supported. I get for things to be easy. 


I’ve decided this because it feels good to me. And I’ve learned that what feels good to me is what is meant for me. And I want the same for you. 


I’ve always been passionate about supporting creatives, healers & high vibe ladies to be treated well, expect the best and get what they DESERVE in regards to success, abundance and self care. 


Because YOU my lady are someone who loves deeply, cares deeply, and it is so so important to get what’s in your heart and soul out into the world. And at the same time for you to feel energized, relaxed and fulfilled.


Because creatives and healers give so much! We have to make sure we give to ourselves first. 


The world needs your gifts, your expression and it does not have to be hard! And it is a direct result of honoring yourself. 


Here is an outline of what this jam packed course is going to offer. 


I’m pouring out everything I’ve learned to help you step into the next stage of giving your gifts.


This is going to be amazing!!



Abundantly Inspired Biz Course Curriculum:


10 Live Training Sessions

At least 2 Q&A Sessions

Daily Facebook Group Support


Week 1- Spiritual Business Framework

-Self Led Biz Model Vs. Parts (Smaller Self) Biz Model 

-Scarcity Vs. More Than Enough 

-Lack Vs. Abundance

-Self Care


Week 2- CoCreative Biz Map

-Getting Clarity

-Inspired Action

-Cocreative & Intuitive Process in Business



Week 3-Your Brand

-DESIRED revenue streams and income

-how you want to feel in your business (what is your voice, vibe?)

-how do you want to serve others and to have others feel

-what is your MAIN Focus Today



Week 4-Your Ideal Client/Customer/Niche

Complete Client Blueprint

From Characteristics to Problem to Solution

Meditation for developing Client Attraction



Week 5 Mindset

Limiting Beliefs and Mindset Around:





-Cultural Ideas



Week 6- Your Online Home

Building Your Community & Communication Path


-email list





Week 7-Connecting and Building Trust with Your Community

-Providing Value

-Showing Up As An Expert

-Fine Tuning Your Voice



Week 8-Sharing Your Gifts With The World (Marketing & Client Attraction)

-Social Media, Consistency of Message & Showing Up, Engagement

-Sharing and Selling

-Showing Up 

-Calls To Action


Week 9 - Sharing Your Gifts with the World Part 2


-Content Creation

-Vision Board


Week 10- Content Creation

Your Small Priced Offer

Your Money Making Masterpiece




My 1.5 goddess self care class

My 7 day abundance meditation mini series 

Money Love Affirmation Kit

"Technology & Services I use to Run My Biz" Tutorial


To get in on the early bird discount, you can sign up right here to grab your spot!!


To secure your early bird spot, click here for the split payment plan


For the full payment plan click here


I'm so excited to support you!!



Who wants to get to know their Biz Bestie with crystal clear clarity? my Free 5 Day FB Challenge To Attract Your Soulmate Clients will assist you in doing just that! ⭐️🙌🏼👯‍♀️

This is an expert training series for Biz Lady Rebels that teaches my 5 star secrets to fine tuning your GPS for your ideal customer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My specialty is connection and as a therapist for 10 years, you better believe I take connecting with clients seriously.

Nothing matters to me more than authenticity, compassion & trust...3 key factors in creating a bond with soulmate clients for years to come!

Join us now! I’m getting super specific with biz Bestie girl Talk that will create the ultimate foundation for your 5 star biz.

Click on the Image Below to Join!

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What to Do When Dread Comes Up on the Way to Your Dream


Hi! My name is Jen Mele of Jennifer, Abstract Intuitive artist, inspired teacher & e-course creator. 

 I teach the philosophies & mindbody Techniques I have used to create a compassionate inner relationship with my wisest Self as well as transform my life from relationships, to business to my body & mind.

 This is how I create & sustain an inspired life. by continuously connecting to this inner wisdom which naturally unleashes the unique gifts that make me come alive. And I know the same is true for you. You have your own wise warrior within An inspired life is full of joy, peace, self expression & abundance. It is created by tapping into the unique guidance that can only come from inside of YOU. 

Have you ever experienced dread about an appointment, an event, a series of situations that are in your future? The video of this week addresses this topic. 

Dread is a feeling that has come up for me over and over again for many years. Not wanting to show up (but doing so anyways) has been a theme in my life.

Dread is a funny thing. It is very much connected to anxiety.

I didn’t recognize how related to anxiety it was until I started unblending this part of my self and understanding that the dread was actual fear and hopelessness compounded.

A fear of not moving forward and staying stuck, a fear of having to do things and be something for people (ie expecting the burden of caretaking and parenting someone) a fear of my current circumstances as evidence for what was my reality and so forth.

As I began to understand that these beliefs and fears were not about my present day Life, but about the experiences and perspectives I learned as a little girl feeling stuck in childhood circumstances I couldn’t change, I was able to take in more of what I actually liked in my life and also pay attention to my dreams more.

We don’t have access to our dreams fully until we clear out what fears we have carried in from our past might be blocking them.

This video discusses two tips to help you come into the moment and release dread, often helpful after validating the dread in the first place as a part developed from your past.

This doesn’t mean you had to have experiences like I did or a dysfunctional upbringing. Stuck emotions can develop from all sorts of experiences at school, developmentally, in college, in jobs or from well meaning parents.

What’s most important is the EXPERIENCE of that part of yourself that developed a belief in dread.

Once that part feels understood, you can practice the tips in the video to gently acknowledge that yes, there is hope for the future, create an action step to provide proof for yourself and also bring your attention into the moment.

Dread, worry and fear can’t exist if we are truly in the moment!

I hope you enjoy this video!


Let me know what you think in the comments!

Is there any particular area you are experiencing dread in right now?

Do you have a Dream you can’t wait to get to but you feel that “life” is in the way?

What can you do today to take one small step toward your dream?


I'm here for you! 

Xo, Jen 

Who wants to get to know their Biz Bestie with crystal clear clarity? my Free 5 Day FB Challenge To Attract Your Soulmate Clients will assist you in doing just that! ⭐️🙌🏼👯‍♀️

This is an expert training series for Biz Lady Rebels that teaches my 5 star secrets to fine tuning your GPS for your ideal customer. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My specialty is connection and as a therapist for 10 years, you better believe I take connecting with clients seriously.

Nothing matters to me more than authenticity, compassion & trust...3 key factors in creating a bond with soulmate clients for years to come!

Join us now! I’m getting super specific with biz Bestie girl Talk that will create the ultimate foundation for your 5 star biz.

Click on the Image Below to Join!

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